<iframesrc=" ns.html?id="GTM-MZDVZ6&quot;" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"> Perfil da Instituição – ANBIMA

Institution Profile

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Page updated on 30/06/2024 at 02:31

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This institution does not participate in groups.


This institution does not have certified professionals linked.

Guidelines and penalties

Institutions participating in self-regulation are supervised by our team to ensure they are following the rules of the codes they follow. When irregularities are found, they can receive guidance, fines or other penalties, depending on the severity of the case.

Check below the guidelines and penalties received by the institution.

Early Term of Commitment

Supervised institutions may submit a proposal for the conclusion of a settlement prior to the filling of a Procedure for Investigation of Irregularities (PII) or a proceeding.

In the Early Term of Commitment, the institution undertakes to cease and correct in advance acts that may have represent non-compliance with the rules provided for in the self-regulation.

Letter of recommendation

The investigation generated a Letter of Recommendation, with guidance for correcting problems, which were easy to adjust or with low damage potential.

This institution does not have any term of commitment or letter of recommendation on record.

We use Procedure for Investigation of Irregularities (PIIs) and Processes to investigate breaches of our self-regulatory and ethical codes. This assessment can generate terms of commitment, letters of recommendation or judgments. In the latter case, the institution is judged by the Regulation and Best Practices Board.

The guidelines and penalties sent as of April 2016 are disclosed​.

This institution has no recorded guidance and penalty. ​


Institutions must follow the procedures for sending documents and information within the deadlines and formats described in our codes. When these guidelines are not followed, the institution receives a guidance letter. Fines are applied when there is a new infraction in a period of less than 12 months after receiving the letter.

Check below the consolidated fines received by the institution:

This institution does not have any fines recorded. ​