Our Board is made up of representatives from member institutions and the election of our members aims at mirroring ANBIMA’s plurality: the directors represent companies of all sizes and segments in the market.
Every two years we elect one president, up to eight vice presidents and up to 14 directors.
Their main responsibilities are as follows:
- Lead and manage ANBIMA;
- Enforce the bylaws, its norms and procedures;
- Enforce the General Assembly’s resolutions;
- Set ANBIMA’s strategic agenda, suggesting and approving the priority initiatives for the coming years.
Our Board members:

Carlos André

Adriano Koelle
BNY Mellon

Andrés Kikuchi

Aquiles Mosca
BNP Paribas Brasil

Carlos Takahashi

César Mindof
ABC Brasil

Denisio Liberato
Banco do Brasil

Eduardo Azevedo
Tullett Prebon

Eric Altafim
Itaú Unibanco

Fernanda Camargo
Wright Capital

Fernando Rabello
Banco Safra

Flavia Palacios
Opea Securitizadora

Giuliano De Marchi
JP Morgan

Gustavo Pires
XP Investimentos

Julya Wellisch
Vinci Partners

Pedro Rudge
Leblon Equities

Roberto Paolino

Roberto Paris

Rodrigo Azevedo
Ibiúna Investimentos

Sergio Bini

Sergio Cutolo
BTG Pactual

Teodoro Lima

Zeca Doherty